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Lo Jong and Tong Len Practice
Monday, November 11, 2024 6:30 - 9 PM EST

Prerequisites: None


Commitments: Bodhisattva vows


Text: 7-Point Thought Transformation from the book Advice from a Spiritual Friend by Geshe Rabten and Geshe Dhargyey.


Gaden Choling deeply appreciates Ven. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche for the guidance that he offers with this teaching.


Lo Jong or training the mind is a method used to overcome our normal self centeredness and cultivating a mind of bodhichitta, the mind wishing to gain enlightenment for the benefit of others. This particular text focusses on the 7 point thought transformation Lo Jong by Kadampa Geshe Chekawa.  


Tong Len literally means taking and giving and is the practice of mentally taking on the suffering of others and giving our happiness and virtue through a special meditation on the breath. These practices train us on the Mahayana path.

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